From Dr. Michaila. I left the syntax, the way I got it. It is more truthful than a translation.
“I am working orthodontics my be 8 or 9 years. A began like general dentist but at this moment I am working only orthodontics. I have always wanted to do this, the topics is difficult and interesting. I have attended many courses over the years and think that some of the best are these from Dr. Mazor and Dr. Fiorelly.
You want to explain “I am amazed by the pedantry with which you work”.
I have attended many courses. The most of them are organized by different companies and have a clear biased towards their merchandise. And the other half of courses focus on a very specific part of the diagnostic and ignore everything else.
This is the first time I attended a course which clearly explains the examination, diagnostic and documentation.I have think you said that “everybody treats the patients that he is capable of” left an impression me. I have always had trouble in identifying the correct time begin the treatment.
Sorry for my English and have a nice day.
I’m really impressed with the detail you’re looking at.”
Dr Michaila is right. The fundamental steps in orthodontics are to recognize, appreciate, and understand the problems we are facing. Then decide on the most appropriate course of actions using all the biomechanical knowledge we possess. Too many courses concentrate on a technique or a magic appliance and every patient is treated the same.
The file attached (image below) will help better understand the importance of using the correct diagnostic tools adapted to each patient and learn from each outcome to further improve our treatments.

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