International Foundation for Dental Education (IFDE™)

University-derived online orthodontic course/modules for orthodontists and dental practitioners interested in enhancing their clinical skills.

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The International Foundation for Dental Education (IFDE) is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

IFDE™ Online Orthodontic Course Modules

The Orthodontic Management of Moderate Malocclusions course is for general practitioners and orthodontists interested in enhancing their clinical skills.

The course is separated in six, self-paced online modules. You may register at any time.

Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning – Theoretical (Module 1A)


Topics: Facial Analysis, Functional Examination, Intraoral Examination, Dental Cast Analysis, Panoramic Examination, Cephalometric Analysis.


Who is eligible? Dental practitioners worldwide (excluding U.S. or Canada) with orthodontic training.

Prerequisite: None

Original release Aug 2019, exp. Aug 2025. Self-instructional activities are reviewed at least once every three years, or more frequently, if indicated by new scientific developments, to ensure that content is current and accurate.
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Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning – Applied (Module 1B)


Topics: Orthodontic Examination, Dental Photography, Model Analysis Review, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Case Presentation.


Who is eligible? Dental practitioners worldwide (excluding U.S. or Canada) with orthodontic training.

Prerequisite: Module 1A

Original release May 2020, exp. May 2026. Self-instructional activities are reviewed at least once every three years, or more frequently, if indicated by new scientific developments, to ensure that content is current and accurate.
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NEW! Introduction to Orthodontic Biomechanics – Clinical Implications (Module 2)


Topics: Periodontal Role in Orthodontic Treatment, Force Systems, Optimum Static Occlusion, Brackets and Wires.


Who is eligible? Orthodontists in the U.S., Canada, and worldwide. It is also for dental practitioners worldwide (excluding U.S. or Canada) with orthodontic training.

Prerequisite: May be taken by orthodontists as a stand-alone course. We encourage dentists to begin with Module 1A, and take the modules in the numbered order, as the content has been designed to build on the knowledge learned in the previous modules.

Original release July 2021, exp. July 2024. Self-instructional activities are reviewed at least once every three years, or more frequently, if indicated by new scientific developments, to ensure that content is current and accurate.
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Orthodontic Management of Moderate Malocclusions (Online-Onsite Course)

18-month course $4,500 USD

Learn to recognize, diagnose, and manage the treatment of patients with moderate malocclusions.

Original release March 2020; exp. March 2026. Self-instructional activities are reviewed at least once every three years, or more frequently, if indicated by new scientific developments, to ensure that content is current and accurate.




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Who Will You Learn With?


The head instructor is Dr. Jean-Marc Retrouvey. He is the former Department Chair and Professor of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA.

Dr. Retrouvey has been involved in developing an interactive curriculum to improve the diagnostic skills and treatment planning of orthodontic cases for over 15 years.

Experienced and reputable teachers will contribute content under the guidance of Dr. Retrouvey.


What Dental Professionals Say About The IFDE Online Orthodontic Modules

I attended your Biomechanics Webinar and I did love it. Your lectures are so detailed and engaging.

Dr. Nha-Uyen C.

This is the first time I attended a course which clearly explains the examination, diagnostic and documentation.

Dr. Michaila N. 

I enjoyed this very much as a review of previous orthodontic education in school and in other courses. I will take module 1B.

Dr. Allison M.

The module was very concise and to the point. I particularly appreciated how prompt and kind the email support was to any troubles or questions I faced.

Dr. Eleni T.

I am giving 5 stars for the Module 1. Very concise, educative.

Dr. Jasmin F.

I really appreciate that Dr. Retrouvey values the basics and foundation of orthodontics. This is the only course I found that started from a very systemic approach to the subject.

Dr. Tina C. 

How Will You Benefit from Joining the Online Modules?

The IFDE online modules offer orthodontists and dental practitioners an opportunity to learn at their own pace, and are accessible 24/7. The online modules provide participants with theory and practice in the correct diagnosis, prognosis, and management of patients with moderate malocclusions. Each module uses a step-by-step approach that guides participants as they learn to:

  • Diagnose malocclusions
  • Recognize and quantify the severity of the problem
  • Understand basic biomechanical concepts
  • Elaborate a problem list

Participants interested in improving their knowledge in one particular area of interest may enroll in one online module at a time, starting with Module 1. Modules 1A Theoretical and 1B Applied each present a unique set of topics that teach basic concepts of orthodontic diagnosis and techniques.

How is the Learning Material Presented?

  • Videos

  • Live Webinars

  • Case Presentations

  • Lecture Recordings

  • Group Discussions

  • Interactive Activities

  • Reference Articles

  • Online Articles

  • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Sessions

  • Exercises

  • Quizzes and Exams

Preview an IFDE Webinar

IFDE webinars provide a modern and interactive learning experience that allow participants to connect with the teacher and receive immediate feedback to their questions!

How many modules are in the Orthodontic Management of Moderate Malocclusions course?

Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (Theoretical and Applied)

Module 1 (1A Theoretical and 1B Applied) is devoted to diagnosis, recognition of malocclusion, and general orthodontic diagnostic principles. The most appropriate method to conduct an orthodontic examination will also be presented.

At the end of Module 1, participants will be able to:

  • Perform an orthodontic exam
  • Perform a dental study cast analysis
  • Trace and interpret a cephalometric radiograph
  • Analyze a panoramic radiograph
  • Diagnose a malocclusion
  • Produce a problem list
  • Present a differential diagnosis.
See  General Outline for Modules 1-5

Introduction to Orthodontic Biomechanics – Clinical Applications

Module 2 is devoted to orthodontic biomechanics and all the fundamental principles that involve some sort of tooth movement.

At the end of Module 2, participants will be able to:

  • Understand force systems such as simple forces, force couples, and moment of force
  • Locate the center of resistance on a specific tooth
  • Calculate the center of rotation
  • Describe the different types of tooth movement
  • Calculate the moment to force ratio
  • Calculate or use the load deflection rate of wires to your advantage
  • Understand the importance of using the right systems to obtain the correct tooth movement.

Interceptive Orthodontics

Module 3 is devoted to the field of interceptive orthodontics. Interceptive orthodontics is usually performed during the mixed dentition period when the patient is about 8 to 11 years of age and is in need of corrective orthodontics.

At the end of Module 3, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze the occlusion in the primary and mixed dentition
  • Diagnose and describe the etiology of a developing malocclusion
  • Recognize developing malocclusions in the three planes of space
  • Discuss growth patterns and the importance of growth prediction in orthodontic treatment
  • Understand normal versus ectopic permanent tooth eruption
  • Discuss interventions necessary to optimize eruption patterns
  • Apply the appropriate therapy to a developing malocclusion
  • Use utility arches effectively for upper and lower incisors control
  • Use growth modification appliances when indicated.

Most Common Malocclusions

Module 4 is devoted to the most common malocclusions, as well as the most common and efficient approaches to deal with the problem presented.

At the end of Module 4, participants will be able to:

  • Diagnose the most common malocclusions
  • Correctly pose a differential diagnosis of the most common malocclusions
  • Create a problem list to address these malocclusions
  • Understand the necessary biomechanical system to address these malocclusions
  • Prescribe the correct appliances needed
  • Describe the most appropriate technique to resolve the studied malocclusion.

Adult Orthodontics – Aligner Therapy

The primary objective of Module 5 is to expose the dental professional to the systematic approach of malocclusions in the non-growing patient. The secondary objective is to discuss the role of orthodontics in the management of the aging and restored dentition.

At the end of Module 5, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate between the adolescent and the adult dentition
  • Understand and recognize periodontal considerations in orthodontics
  • Correctly diagnose and approach the aging dentition
  • Describe orthodontics-periodontics and orthodontic-prosthodontic treatments
  • Diagnose and create problem list for patients in need of aligner treatment.

Why We Developed The IFDE Online Course

Video Note: Dr. Retrouvey is the former Department Chair and Professor of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA. At the time of recording, Dr. Retrouvey was the Director of the Division of Orthodontics at McGill University.

What Differentiates Us From Other Online Courses?

The IFDE online orthodontic modules are different from conventional continuing education online modules as they put a strong emphasis on diagnosis, case study, and basic biomechanical principles.

Who Developed the Course and Online Modules?

The IFDE, under the leadership of Dr. Jean-Marc Retrouvey, is responsible for the course development and the creation of all online modules including but not limited to lessons, activities, videos, webinars, exercises, and quizzes.

The IFDE is a Canadian corporation based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  No relevant financial relationship(s) exist between IFDE and any commercial interests. Unless otherwise specified, IFDE online modules and courses are not eligible for refund or cancellation. For more information, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.